In the pathogenesis of most diseases known to modern medicine, the leading
place is given to intoxication syndrome (toxicosis), which is understood as the accumulation
in tissues and body fluids of excess products of normal or perverted volume of substances
and cellular response. We examined 36 patients with peritonitis who underwent hemosorption
in the postoperative period along with ITT, PD, PL, CL. First, the etiology of peritonitis
and the nature of its prevalence were studied. Hemosorption rapidly reduced the degree of
endotoxemia, improved the functional state of the patient's organs and systems. At an
earlier time, intestinal peristalsis was restored. Reducing the volume of lavage fluid reduced
the loss of electrolytes and protein, the consumption of which for the correlation of
dyselectrolythemia and hypoproteinemia was lower than on the first day. The positive
dynamics of MSM in the postoperative period clearly showed that hemosorption can
quickly reduce the level of peptide intoxication, there was a more progressive decrease in
markers of endogenous intoxication.