pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka2024-10-30T13:11:17+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka (HP)<br />ISSN 2450-8160 <br />DOI JOURNAL 10.52325/2450-8160 <a href="">impact factor search 7 </a><br />publishes outstanding educational research from a wide range of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical traditions. Diverse perspectives, critiques, and theories related to pedagogy – broadly conceptualized as intentional and political teaching and learning across many spaces, disciplines, and discourses – are welcome, from authors seeking a critical, international audience for their work. All manuscripts of sufficient complexity and rigor will be given a full review. In particular, HP seeks to publish scholarship that is critical of oppressive systems and the ways in which traditional and/or “commonsensical” pedagogical practices function to reproduce oppressive conditions and outcomes. Scholarships focused on macro, micro and meso level educational phenomena are welcome. JoP encourages authors to analyze and create alternative spaces within which such phenomena impact on and influence pedagogical practice in many different ways, from classrooms to forms of public pedagogy, and the myriad spaces in between. Manuscripts should be written for a broad, diverse, international audience of either researcher and/or practitioners. Accepted manuscripts will be available free to the public through HPs open-access policies, as well as we planned to index our journal in Elsevier's Scopus indexing service, ERIC, and others.</p>РУССКИЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЙ ЯЗЫК ОТ А.С. ПУШКИНА ДО ЭПОХИ ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИИ.2024-10-30T13:09:32+00:00М.Дж. Джурабаеваmakhigul75@mail.ruСтатья посвящена развитию русского литературного языка от эпохи А.С. Пушкина до современной эпохи цифровизации. Рассматривается, как произошли изменения в языке под воздействием культурных, социальных и технологических факторов, а также как цифровизация и развитие новых медиа оказывают влияние на литературный язык. В исследовании используются методы сравнительного анализа, текстологического и социолингвистического подходов. Работа направлена на выявление общих тенденций изменения и адаптации русского литературного языка к современным условиям, а также на изучение вопросов сохранения литературной нормы и культурной идентичности в эпоху глобализации.2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka MEASURES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM STATE POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK2024-10-30T13:11:17+00:00F. Gaybullaevshahram01@inbox.ruCorruption is a scourge of the twenty-first century and is fundamentally different from other crimes in that it is aimed at destabilizing state power and governance. Corruption does not arise on its own, but arises and develops under the influence of its factors. In his address to the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, 2012, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasized the tragic consequences of corruption for the economies and societies of countries.Based on the opinions expressed by many experts, it can be said that the following factors contribute to the emergence and development of corruption:2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka