Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka https://ejournals.id/index.php/HP <p>Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka (HP)<br />ISSN 2450-8160 <br />DOI JOURNAL 10.52325/2450-8160 <a href="http://impactfactorsearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/TJL-Tematics-journal-of-Law-ISSN-2249-9806.jpg">impact factor search 7 </a><br />publishes outstanding educational research from a wide range of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical traditions. Diverse perspectives, critiques, and theories related to pedagogy – broadly conceptualized as intentional and political teaching and learning across many spaces, disciplines, and discourses – are welcome, from authors seeking a critical, international audience for their work. All manuscripts of sufficient complexity and rigor will be given a full review. In particular, HP seeks to publish scholarship that is critical of oppressive systems and the ways in which traditional and/or “commonsensical” pedagogical practices function to reproduce oppressive conditions and outcomes. Scholarships focused on macro, micro and meso level educational phenomena are welcome. JoP encourages authors to analyze and create alternative spaces within which such phenomena impact on and influence pedagogical practice in many different ways, from classrooms to forms of public pedagogy, and the myriad spaces in between. Manuscripts should be written for a broad, diverse, international audience of either researcher and/or practitioners. Accepted manuscripts will be available free to the public through HPs open-access policies, as well as we planned to index our journal in Elsevier's Scopus indexing service, ERIC, and others.</p> ”Diamond trading tour” en-US Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka 2450-8160 ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ПРОЦЕССА В ЗАНЯТИЯХ МАССОВЫМИ ВИДАМИ ДЕТСКОГО СПОРТА НА ПРИМЕРЕ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БОРЬБЫ КУРАШ https://ejournals.id/index.php/HP/article/view/992 В статье анализируется проблема поиска наиболее эффективных методов оптимизации образовательного процесса у детей младшего школьного возраста во время занятий физической культурой с использованием современных технологий национальной борьбы кураш. Представлены результаты исследования, основанного на оценке уровня физической подготовленности младших школьников, и аргументирована необходимость улучшения образовательного процесса по физической культуре в этой возрастной группе. В рамках работы разработано содержание учебного процесса по физической культуре для учеников младших классов на базе освоения элементов кураша. Ф. Матякубов Copyright (c) 2024 Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 4 2 COMMITMENTS OF THE GRICEAN MAXIMS IN THE GRASPING OF IMPORTANCE: A SURVEY https://ejournals.id/index.php/HP/article/view/11 The article deals with the endeavors to survey how the Gricean sayings add to the comprehension of meaning helpfully and commonly. The survey distinguished that noticing Gricean's Helpful Rule can assist one with speaking with less equivocalness in a discussion. To notice the Agreeable Rule, H. P. Grice distinguished four adages to be specific: Proverbs of amount, of value, of connection, and, of way. In any case, speakers, some of the time, purposely overlook specific pieces of their expressions in a discussion to make an impression on their audience members that is in opposition to their genuine expressions. This intentional oversight is in fact alluded to as non-recognition of the Gricean's sayings. Thus, the utilization of the Agreeable Standard is vital to make a road for both the speaker and the audience to act helpfully, and commonly acknowledge each other during the time spent correspondence. Subsequently, there is a requirement for communicators to comprehend each other and participate to build a significant discussion. This guideline prompted the improvement of 'Pragmatics' as a different discipline inside etymology that concentrates on the utilization of language and setting inside a local area. Accordingly, this paper makes sense of how the Gricean adages add to the comprehension of significance through an express survey of related writing on Grice's adages. That's what the paper reasoned the Gricean proverbs actually stay at the focal point of pragmatics and the job they play in the comprehension of significance can't be denied. Sh. Sarofov Copyright (c) 2024 Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka 2024-03-12 2024-03-12 4 2 FAVQULODDA VAZIYATLARNING OLDINI OLISH VA BUNDAY VAZIYATLARDA HARAKAT QILISH DAVLAT TIZIMINI TASHKIL ETISHNING MEYORIY-HUQUQIY ASOSLARI https://ejournals.id/index.php/HP/article/view/978 Maqolada O'zbekiston Respublikasi Favqulodda vaziyatlarning oldini olish va bunday vaziyatlarda harakat qilish Davlat tizimi faoliyatini tashkil etishga doir meyoriyhuquqiy hujjatlar, ularning mazmun mohiyati va ular bilan belgilangan tartiblar, munosabatlar va tadbirlar bayon etilgan. Respublikamizning aniq maqsad va vazifalarga ega bo'lgan yaxlit milliy tizimining tashkil etilishi va faoliyatining o'ziga xos meyoriyhuquqiy asoslariga ega bo'lgan holda tashkil etilganidan buyon takomillashish bosqichlari tahlil qilingan. S.I. Xusanova Copyright (c) 2024 Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 4 2