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Land factor, agricultural land, increasing soil fertility, computer modeling, software, modeling, optimization


The land factor plays a huge role in the life support of society as a whole and
of each of its members individually. The most valuable are agricultural land - the main
source of food and the basis of food security of the country. These lands in the total land
area occupy a relatively small proportion, their condition is constantly deteriorating due to
the undeveloped environmental, economic and legal basis for the use of land. In the set of
measures for the rational use of agricultural land, the most important place belongs to the
problem of improving land use, including issues of regulating land relations, land ownership,
economic regulation of environmental measures, as well as organizational, legal, informational,
personnel, technical, technological and agronomic issues. The lack of a scientific concept
on the optimal ratio of land to cultivated arable land led to unreasonably accelerated
plowing of land, including unproductive, which upset the natural balance, worsened the
condition of the land, and reduced the productivity of the fields. With regard to the agroindustrial complex, land protection and protection, that is, bringing land resources in line
with environmental laws, is the starting point on the path to a sustainable development
model. The transition from utilitarian-consumer land use to integral-protective land, the
subject of which would be human society as a whole, and the criterion for assessing and
using natural resources - some basic social need, will be quite long. However, in order to
avoid environmental disasters, it is important to establish environmental rules for economic
activity today. The essence of protecting agricultural lands and increasing their fertility lies
in the rational use of nature.