About the Journal

British Medical Journal ISSN 0959-8146
Publisher British Medical Journal 
is committed to publishing scholarly empirical or theoretical research articles that significantly impact the medical science field; the journal promotes fresh ideas or innovative perspectives on the research at hand. All materials submitted to British Medical Journal (BMJ) are conditional on thorough peer review utilizing the ‘double-blind’ refereeing procedure. Medical science covers many subjects that try to explain how the human body works. Starting with basic biology, it is generally divided into areas of specialization, such as anatomy, physiology, and pathology, with some biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, and genetics. Students and practitioners of holistic models of health also recognize the importance of the mind-body connection and the importance of nutrition. A qualification in Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology is a prerequisite for many courses which lead to professional qualifications in alternative or complementary medicine. Our distance learning courses which are available via correspondence and online, have been designed to supplement learning for those wishing to progress to the study of natural health therapies. Whether you are studying to be a nutritionist, homeopath, or yoga instructor, our courses will provide a high level of knowledge in medical science required for these practices.

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Published by British Medical Journal
Issued Bimonthly

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